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The name Adopt-A-Trout is from the students learning the scientific process. Students "adopt" a trout and provied a hypothesis on what they believe the trout will do and why. A tangible example of the scientific method at work!

The education focus of the program will engage Gunnison area junior high and high school students in the trout tracking study as well as a curriculum on ecologic health and watershed connectivity. Students in the Gunnison area (Crested Butte, Lake City, and Gunnison) have few opportunities to engage in hands on activities and curriculum that emphasizes their connection to local watersheds. Students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of issues affecting their watershed, explore their connection with ecology, and engage in the scientific process in a real world research project. Students participating in the program will also gain a better understanding of career opportunities in natural resource management and the “core skills” used by resource management professionals. As part of the Adopt-A-Trout program students will gain an opportunity to do hands on restoration work while understanding the intended outcomes.

Through classroom-based presentations and field-based experiences, the education program will:


  • Spark student’s interest and skills in math and science as it relates to natural resource management. 


  • Teach students about local watersheds and generate a greater appreciation of ecosystem function associated with local streams and rivers.


  • Provide youth with an opportunity for career exploration. 


  • Involve students in a research study where they work alongside biologist and learn the scientific process. 


  • Create opportunities for students to engage in community restoration projects.


Introduction to Adopt-A-Trout
Trout Biology
Riparian Areas
Radio Frequency Technology and tracking
Hydrology and Geomorphology
Water  Management
NaturalResource Careers
Flow and Fish Passage Assessment
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